Mr Chua Ah Kow

Capital CAK Berhad Chairman, Mr. Chua Ah Kow is no stranger to the local arena of entrepreneurs.

Mr. Chua received his master in insurance from University of Insurance Malaysia in 2000. As a member of the LIAM, PIAM and AIAFAM Malaysia, he has also attended distinguished programs such as 7 habits management program, LIMNA management programs and others more leadership and business program in the journey of his career.

He is a speaker and panelist in numerous prestigious seminars and conferences organized by the industry peers. He received the ‘MBA Award” from the Insurance industry since 2012, a world-class award recognising and honouring insurance business leaders who have shown outstanding performance and tenacity in developing successful businesses within the region. He is an engaged and motivating leader who embodies our firm’s culture: With nearly 20 years of leadership roles at our firm, Mr. Chua leverages his firm specific and industry knowledge to lead the firm and its people, develop the firm’s strategy, embody the “tone-at the-top” and help protect and enhance our firm’s culture, including through his commitment to talent development and diversity of our workforce, in each case providing his insights to our professional partners and keeping directors apprised of significant developments in our business and industry.

His pathway to success:
• Strategic thinker with deep business and industry expertise: Utilises deep familiarity with all aspects of the firm’s businesses, including from his experience as managing director, to develop and articulate the firm’s strategic vision, assess attendant risks.
and guide the firm’s growth.

• Face of our firm: Committed to engaging with our external stakeholders, Mr. Chua draws upon his extensive interaction with our clients, investors and other constituents to communicate feedback and offer insight and perspective to our members.

• Institutional and risk management: Former advisory of industry peers who, among other things, promoted collaboration across disciplines and administrative units and helped to oversee the risks related to the industry as well as the management of its
endowment, all of which provides perspective on operational oversight and risk management of the firm.

•Leadership and Governance: Current and prior service on the boards of directors of joint venture entities provides additional perspective on governance.

• Human Capital and Diversity: Well-positioned to provide insight on the firm’s strategies relating to diversity, recruiting and retention.